A 7 Year Old Freaked Out While I Was Breastfeeding In Public

Kids can be really curious and tend to ask a lot of questions. Just like a time when we were at the park, while Andres and Samuel were at the playground and I was at the bench breastfeeding Isaac, a bunch of kids came to us to play with our dog who was beside us at the time. This kid who was so curious asked a lot of questions about me breastfeeding Isaac, whom I thought had never seen anyone breastfeeding or has never been explained how a baby eat or breastfeed.

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It’s sad that there are children who are not aware what breastfeeding is because they were not exposed to breastfeeding in public. This calls for us moms to push more for breastfeeding in public to create more awareness to the community about breastfeeeding and normalize it.

We should make kids and the whole community see breastfeeding as a completely normal and beautiful thing. Exposing our kids to breastfeeding and making them involve in it makes the family get together and bond. This journey should not be done by the mother alone but the whole family too with the right support of the community.

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