Person holding white and pink egg

5 Things Your Boobs Will Thank You For

For all new moms, it is established from the beginning that breastfeeding is a journey between you and your baby. In this intimate bonding, it is pretty clear that the baby’s well-being tends to weigh out more than your needs. But, to become successful in breastfeeding, you should remember to take care of yourself, first and foremost.

nipple balm


I went into breastfeeding thinking that it was the most natural and easiest thing that you could do. Your boobs just basically produce milk and you would give it to your baby.

It’s a hard lesson I had to learn. It is not that easy, especially at the beginning of your breastfeeding journey. Those first few days are going to be very, very kind of difficult. There’s a lot of changes in your body going on since you just delivered your baby. 

So that was the case for me. I had to find out the hard way. In fact, with tears streaming down my face as I was pumping, and blood was literally coming out through my milk.

That was a harsh one for me. But in trying, you get better. So let’s get into those five points to do that aim to help you keep your breasts healthy and ready for your baby:

1. Familiarize yourself.

Take note of the changes in your breasts. A mother’s body changes significantly throughout the pregnancy. The obvious ones include weight changes, and therefore, a difference in your breast size. But do take note that breasts do not consistently grow during pregnancy. It fluctuates at different times depending on the overall status of your health. It goes the same during the postpartum period when you start to breastfeed your child. The feeling, weight, and the shade of your nipples also change. So remember to do breast exams every once in a while.

Jot down the differences in a small booklet or an app so you’ll have something to refer to during a visit to your pediatrician or physician.

2. Know what it needs.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with your breasts, it’s now time to seek reliable resources to add to your health knowledge. Follow and read established sites, blogs, and health professionals that are focused on motherhood and childcare. Join communities in your area and online to get to know first-hand information about breastfeeding and everything in between.

3. Go easy and apply TLC.

Your breasts have been changed by pregnancy, and they were never the same as they were before. Tender-loving-care is now the game for your boobs. After breastfeeding your baby, let out a small amount of milk from your breasts and rub it along your nipples. This keeps them soft the natural way. 

For washing, put down your loofah and body scrubs in the meantime. Go mild when bathing and forego the bubbly, scented soaps and cleansers. 

It is also unavoidable to experience cracks and sores on your nipple area. Good thing that there are a multitude of options for you to choose from for breast care, like nipple balms.

Check out our nipple balm right here: Organic Nipple Balm for Breastfeeding Relief (2 oz Jar) / Pediatrician – Mommyz Love

4. Let them breathe and keep them within reach.

For breastfeeding moms, it’s only necessary to be at your most relaxed state when feeding your baby. This means your clothing should also feel almost like your second skin. Cotton and loose shirts are essential for breastfeeding to make it an easy, breezy thing for you and your baby.

Grow your MommyzLove apparel collection right here: Apparel – Mommyz Love

Bras specially designed for nursing are also available in the market and vary depending on your preference. They come in different varieties,  which should fit your hectic day-to-day activities. Consider the accessibility, adjustments, paddings, and support when choosing your perfect nursing bra.

5. Invest in them. 

Gone are the days when you buy complicated-looking bras and expensive lingerie. You will now have to take that effort into your nutrition-giving breasts. As these are your baby’s number one source of nutrition, consider what will make them function well for both of you. 

Breast pads, breast pumps, nursing pillows, and breast shells are only a few of the products you can look into for your breasts’ wellness. These should make your breastfeeding experience easier and more enjoyable. Choose the ones made with quality in mind, and you’ll be sure they’ll be with you with your first child or even your next ones.

LOOK: Breast Shell & Milk Catcher for Breastfeeding Relief – Mommyz Love

As you can see, your breasts/boobs/knockers are there not only as a physical asset, but your baby’s source of food. It is only natural that you take care of them in the best way possible. Keep in mind the five tips we’ve mentioned above, and your boobs will definitely appreciate your effort by being in their best state for your breastfeeding journey.


breast shell