Bodybuilders Are Getting Their Protein From Breast Milk – Here’s Why

There has been a growing market recently for mothers to sell their oversupplies of breast milk on the internet. These overproducers are taking advantage of their excess breast milk to share and sell it with those that are not able to breastfeed their own babies. However, the market is now expanding to not just mothers and babies. Bodybuilders are now using the protein from breast milk and buying it online in pursuit of their “gains”.

breast shell

Bodybuilders who have tried breast milk claimed that it has helped them increase their muscle mass and boosted their energy. They believe this is due to the special proteins breast milk contains. But is breast milk really that much better than regular cow or soy milk? Are the benefits worth the risk?

In A Nutshell…

  • Bodybuilders are buying breast milk online as many have reported that it helps build muscle mass and increase energy. The attribute this to the special proteins breast milk contains.
  • Nutritionally speaking, breast milk is considered less superior than regular milk for bodybuilders. It only contains 2.5 grams of protein and is high in fat.
  • There are also risks for bacterial contamination and HIV when consuming breast milk that has been bought online. In addition, it’s also quite expensive, with one glass of breast milk already costing $8.

Story Time

I was never a huge over-producer. It was probably just right what my baby needed and a little extra, but I always wondered what I would do if someone approached me to buy my extra milk. To be honest, I would much rather donate it.

Although I personally couldn’t because of the supplements that I took, so I would just give it informally to any friends that needed some. I think that it’s such a personal choice what you choose to do with your extra milk. And hey if it means selling it to bodybuilders then go for it, there definitely seems to be quite a demand for it!


Bodybuilders Are Buying Breast Milk Online For Gains

breast milk for gains

Breast milk is such a superior nutritional source, which is why babies can rely on drinking just that for the first 6 months of their life. In an attempt to boost their gains, bodybuilders are now looking to supplement their protein sources through breast milk. Because of this, the market for breast milk online has skyrocketed.

One mother reported to the New York Post that she had made as much $6000 selling her breast milk online. As a mother that overproduced, she initially sold her breast milk to other mothers that are short in their supply. But soon after, men, particularly those who are into bodybuilding, are putting in their orders as well.

Why Are Bodybuilders Drinking Breast Milk?

It seems to be a bizarre way to bulk up, but many bodybuilders have claimed that breast milk is the best food to increase muscle mass. One breast milk drinker wrote on a bodybuilding forum, “I made the greatest gains of my life on breast milk, an unrivaled 35 pounds.” They are specifically interested in the type of protein called Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) that can be found in breast milk. Apparently, IGF helps build muscles and speeds up tissue recovery.

Some bodybuilders also give value to breast milk’s energy-boosting qualities. In an article from Wall Street Daily, one bodybuilder said it gives him incredible energy that he doesn’t get from other food and drinks. However, most of these claims are nothing but anecdotal.


What’s In A Breast Milk?

breast milk composition

Experts recommend babies to drink just breast milk for the first few months of their life for a reason. It’s such a special nutrient source because it’s especially tailor-made by every mom to supply the needs of their child. Breast milk even has the power to boost a baby’s immunity because of all the antibodies and disease-fighting properties it has.

The USDA National Nutrient Database generalizes the macronutrient  components of an 8-ounce glass of breast milk to the following:

  • 172 calories
  • 16 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2.5 grams of protein
  • 10 grams of fat

In addition, breast milk also consists of 87% water, 7% lactose, 3.8% fat, and 1% protein.


Should Bodybuilders Really Be Drinking Breast Milk?

If it’s for the purpose of gains, breast milk is less superior than drinking regular milk. Looking at the nutrition content of breast milk, it doesn’t really have enough protein for an adult man. A cup of cow’s or soy milk already has 8 grams of protein, almost 4 times more than that of breast milk!

Another point to consider is that breast milk is high in fat. If a bodybuilder is interested in bulking up, they’re better off choosing a milk source that’s high in protein rather than fat. As for the special IGF that bodybuilders are swearing by with breast milk, sports nutritionist say that you don’t really need this to see muscle mass growth. Instead of chugging down on breast milk, bodybuilders are better off focusing on their training and protein food sources like lean meats and eggs.

Risks For Drinking Breasts Milk

breast milk donation risks

Informal breast milk donation has been a growing practice among overproducing moms on the internet. However, health organizations are against this type of milk donation as there are many associated risks. Among are the following:

  • It could be contaminated. Since there aren’t any formal SOPs to follow when donating breast milk, there’s a high chance that they could be contaminated. A 2013 study found that at least 74% of breast milk available online contains harmful bacterial levels. Almost 64% were reported to be contaminated with Staphylococcus and over 36% had strep bacteria.
  • It might pass on HIV. HIV can be transmitted through breast milk. Buying breast milk from someone you don’t know over the internet just puts you at greater risk for contracting this disease.
  • Breast milk is expensive. Compared to any other milk source, breast milk is probably the most expensive one. It sells for $1 per ounce online, costing you $8 just for one glass of milk.


The Bottomline…

Although breast milk is considered liquid gold for babies, it’s not necessarily the best source for nutrition with adults. Bodybuilders buying breast milk online are much better off drinking just regular milk or protein shakes if they want some gains.  In addition, buying breast milk online can be expensive and risky as it can be contaminated with bacteria or HIV.

Want to learn how breast milk is made? Read more about it on our article: Comprehensive Guide on How Breastfeeding Works & Its Anatomy!

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