Co-sleeping has been around for many, many years. Separated rooms were not a thing back in those ancient times so that means only supports the statement. However, the benefits of co-sleeping were overshadowed by the fears back in the 1960s. Some mothers were scared of squishing their children in bed and suffocating them. I understand the worry because we wouldn’t want to harm our babies in any way.
Although it has been studied further later on. Co-sleeping benefits were discovered and the fear of moms subsided. In this blog, let me tell you about my experience with co-sleeping, its benefits, and how to do it right.
Fears About Co-Sleeping
Less research and studies were conducted in the earlier days so the fears of mothers were understandable. If I were a mom back then, I might be worrying about these common fears about co-sleeping like SIDS (sudden infant syndrome). It happened to two to three babies per 1,000 live births in most Western nations with factors of stomach sleeping and sleeping with adults.
Other fears about co-sleeping that were stated by the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles regarding co-sleeping include overlying, smothering, suffocation, entrapment, and strangulation.
So that was quite a lot of information that mothers had to deal with. They must have decided in unison that it’s best to avoid all of those problems and just avoid co-sleeping as much as possible.
Moving forward, I am thankful research has not stopped. Options were laid out to the newer moms of the current generation. Co-sleeping is no longer as dangerous as it sounds. In fact, it has benefits for mothers, babies, and their families in general. The important thing is how to do it right.
Safe Co-Sleeping: Tips and Benefits
And what is the correct way to do co-sleeping? With Safe Co-Sleeping! It is recommended for newborns up to their first year since it supports the baby’s developments. No problems should arise in the household if things are always done safely. First, let me share with you the definition of co-sleeping:
“Co-Sleeping is defined as any situation where the infant and parent are within sensory range of each other.”
If you think about it, co-sleeping is not only limited to sleeping with our baby on your bed. It also includes the wonderful invention referred to by many as ‘bedside cribs’, ‘bedside cots’, or ‘baby bassinets’’. These are the baby beds that you can attach to the sides of your bed so you are still able to sleep with your baby without the fear of entrapment and everything else.
Tips For Safe Co-Sleeping
La Leche International Organization has created a quick and simple list to remember how to do safe co-sleeping. They identified the seven basic ways for moms to recall whenever the need arises and referred to it as “The Safe Sleep Seven”.
In this list, you must remember the following:
- Everyone in the household is a nonsmoker.
- Everyone co-sleeping with the baby is sober and unimpaired by any harmful substances like alcohol and drugs.
- The mother is breastfeeding.
- The baby is healthy and full-term.
- The baby is sleeping on his back.
- The baby is lightly dressed.
- The mother and the baby are on a firm and safe surface with no pillows, blankets, or gaps that could harm the baby.
Benefits of Co-Sleeping

Co-sleeping promotes many benefits for the baby and their moms. I am honestly thankful that these were discovered in recent years because I have benefited from it tremendously. These benefits are below were discovered by Diana Divecha, Ph.D of Developmental Science:
- It promotes breastfeeding. They said that “babies who are breastfed have lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), diabetes, and other serious health conditions, while breastfeeding mothers have lower rates of postpartum depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension”. They also included that “babies sleep close to their caregivers, they sleep more lightly, and wake two to three times more often than babies who are further away. The close proximity offers easy access with minimal disturbance”.
- Co-sleeping also makes babies wake up more. But don’t fret because when they wake up “oxygen levels and heart rates rise” which benefits the babies’ brain growth and development and immune functioning.
- Mothers and babies wake up almost at the close rate of forty percent and sixty percent. When they do wake up, intimate interactions happen such as “touch, hug, inspect, and whisper”. These also promote babies’ oxygen and heart rate levels for better growth.
- Lastly, co-sleeping maintains a baby’s body temperature and makes it grow faster and its breathing more regular.
My Experience With Co-Sleeping
I only began co-sleeping with my second son which I regret so much not doing with my first son. My firstborn was a light sleeper. I remember two days after coming home from the hospital, he kept me and my husband all night with his non-stop crying. We couldn’t figure out what to do. We took turns carrying him and putting him back to his crib but he was still very much in discomfort.
Back then, I only knew of the dangers of co-sleeping and was not aware of its good benefits. After my second son was born, I started to look into it. This is because my son was a little bit on the smaller side and I wanted to make sure he develops well with my breastfeeding. I wanted to make sure to feed him when he wanted to. With him, I found out and experienced all the great things with safe co-sleeping. He slept well with me and my husband and grew well.
I’ve heard people tell me that it will make him dependent on me and I would have trouble with transitioning him to his own bed. But that did not happen. After he stopped breastfeeding at one year old, he was able to sleep on his own bed. No-fuss at all.
And to all heavy sleepers like me, don’t worry. Our maternal instincts will outweigh our sleepiness. You know when you have a baby with you. Your instincts will definitely tell you to be careful with your little one as you sleep together.
My husband and I loved it too since we both felt more rested since no more getting up to get the baby from the crib. When my baby wakes up for feeding in the middle of the night, my breasts are just right within his reach. I can immediately breastfeed him back to sleep. Nighttime feedings were such a breeze. We’re more bonded and he trusts that I will be there for him whenever he cries. It’s also amazing for increasing my milk supply since I always breastfeed on demand.
Co-sleeping is a family thing and like all families, each one has different needs and preferences. If you’ve been amazed by all its awesome benefits, share it with your family and hear out what they have to say. Safe co-sleeping begins with the agreement of the adults involved with sleeping and taking care of the baby. It starts with their full commitment and awareness of the baby’s needs. Study the different ways of co-sleeping and find the one that fits your family the most.
Consult your family physician for recommendations to experience the full benefits of co-sleeping for you and your baby.
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