Why do your boobs change after you breastfeed? These top 5 tips can make a huge difference….. πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ‘™

What to do if You Are Still Breastfeeding

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Avoid Leaning Over When you are nursing your baby, especially when the baby is very tiny, use a pillow to raise your baby up high enough to meet your breast. Avoid leaning over and angling your breast down into your baby’s mouth. This will help prevent your skin from stretching even more.

Eat Less Animal Fat What you eat is for breasts skin tone. Reduce your animal fat intake and eat more wholegrain cereals, legumes, and green vegetables. Use this time while you are nursing to eat more salads, olive oil, and fresh fruits. Eat foods rich in vitamin B (eggs, fish, and poultry) and E (nuts, seeds, and leafy greens). These vitamins help maintain skin’s elasticity and tone.

Wean Gradually When you are ready to plan weaning, leave time to do it gradually. The more gradually you wean, the more you will help the fat tissue to redeposit inside breasts. That will help them regain their pre-pregnancy appearance more quickly.

While you were breastfeeding, you probably didn’t use any cream on your breast skin. If you have stopped breastfeeding, this is the right time for beauty treatments. Invest in a quality skin cream. Your skin will be soft, healthy, and your breast skin may tone up a bit.

It’s important to keep in mind that all women’s breasts change and become less toned with age whether they breastfeed or not.

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