How To Handle A Breastfeeding Baby That Cries All The Time

Crying is your baby’s main means of communication. As she can’t talk, it’s the only way she can let you know that she needs something. It could be a feed, a nappy change, or just some attention from you. Seeing to your baby’s needs will help to comfort her.

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It’s very important to acknowledge when the baby cries and understand their emotions. Hold them so that they know that you are there. Babies like to feel they are being comforted by touching them. Do not just put in their walkers or swing to make them stop crying. It is important to acknowledge why the baby is crying. Learn their cues – hunger, teething so that you will be able to attend to them properly. It is important to hold your baby, spend time with them and get to know what they’re trying to say.

Soon enough our babies will grow up and we wouldn’t be able to spend as much time as we want with them. Breastfeeding and holding your baby is a time where bond is created between the mom and the baby.

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