Breastfeeding is not always easy in fact there may be days you just feel down so you know why

Breastfeeding is not always easy in fact it’s  like a roller coaster ride. It bring out so many emotions to a mother and it can affect the baby somehow. After the baby was born, that was the post partum period of the mothers. We carried our babies for nine months in our body and we’ve gone through so many changes during our pregnancy. In the same way, our bodies will go through a period of time to go back to how it was before the pregnancy.

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There’s a lot of things going in the mother’s body such as certain reflexes and change in hormones. These causes the mom to feel a lot of different emotions like depression. Not getting enough sleep and dealing with things such as the baby is teething contributes to what the mother feels during this period.

Mothers’ must always feel supported. The important thing is the support that we get from our family, friends and communities that advocates breastfeeding. We can listen to other moms experiences and how they were able to cope with it. We can do so much more when we unite for a common cause and understanding that breastfeeding is hard but is the most amazing journey we can ever be in.

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