Category Bedtime Breastfeeding

5 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS happens when a healthy baby dies suddenly and with no apparent cause of death. This has now become the leading cause of death in babies under 4 months, which recorded over 3600 deaths in…

Is nursing your baby to sleep a good choice?

Is it Okay to Breastfeed your Baby to Sleep? Breast milk contains different hormones such as oxytocin, prolactin and cholecystokinen (CCK). These hormones causes the sleepiness in both the mom and the baby. Breastfeeding your baby skin to skin boosts…

How should you really breastfeed your newborn?

Before your baby is born you may have already envisioned yourself nursing your baby, and looking at her beautiful face while you breastfeed your newborn, and she looks at you. You may have even bought a new glider or rocking…