Category Breast Milk vs Formula

5 Surprising Infant Feeding Facts Then vs Now

Shocking infant feeding facts - Soda for baby?!

The way babies have been fed has dramatically changed over the years. How they did things then is so different from how we do things now! Have you found yourself questioning your grandma’s tip about giving evaporated milk and syrup…

5 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS happens when a healthy baby dies suddenly and with no apparent cause of death. This has now become the leading cause of death in babies under 4 months, which recorded over 3600 deaths in…

Why Breastfed Babies Have Higher IQs

You’ve heard the infamous saying before. Breast is best when it comes to nourishing your child. One perceived advantage of breastfeeding is that it can also improve your child’s intelligence by boosting brain development. Many studies are looking into why breastfed…

Is cow’s milk good or bad for babies?

Breast milk provides the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fats and antibodies to help your baby’s body and brain development. Nothing comes close, even formula milk, to the benefits our babies get from breast milk. “Is cow’s milk bad for babies?” – is…

Complications During Breastfeeding

There are certain situations where moms are not able to breastfeed her baby due to complications after birth. When this happens some moms secondary option would be to go formula feeding. This should not be the case since there are…