Category Baby’s Growth

5 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS happens when a healthy baby dies suddenly and with no apparent cause of death. This has now become the leading cause of death in babies under 4 months, which recorded over 3600 deaths in…

Why Breastfed Babies Have Higher IQs

You’ve heard the infamous saying before. Breast is best when it comes to nourishing your child. One perceived advantage of breastfeeding is that it can also improve your child’s intelligence by boosting brain development. Many studies are looking into why breastfed…

Are you being pressured to formula feed?

Growth chart is a general indication of where your child is in terms of the standard growth of children of the same age in the US. It is what most hospitals use which consist of a series of percentile curves that…

The Best Potty Training Advice No One Will Tell You

Potty training definitely demands a lot of patience, time, and effort for both you and your child. Since kids have a hard time communicating how they feel, most parents often force their children to potty. But did you know that…

How do schedules work for breastfed babies vs formula ?

Breastfed babies are more adaptable to changes around them. They can easily go with the flow with what’s happening around them. This is because babies find their comfort in the presence of their mom and by breastfeeding them. Here are…

Baby Teething Symptoms and How to Ease the Pain

Just when you thought you had breastfeeding good and handled your baby starts to teeth and is keeping you up at night, refusing to eat, and drooling what seems like gallons and gallons all over the place. Well rest assured…