Depression During Weaning and How to Understand It

Are you at the end of your breastfeeding journey and in the process of weaning your baby? You must be one of the moms who also feel depression during weaning process.

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Weaning begins when your baby starts to take food from other source other than your breast milk. It is a gradual replacement of breast milk to solids. This is the part where we introduce different kinds of food to our baby and giving them less breast milk.

Feeling a little depressed during the weaning process is normal for mommies to feel. The bond you have created with your baby during your breastfeeding journey and the special connection you have makes a little hard for you to spend less time with your baby.

This means that your baby will now start to explore things and won’t spend much time on your breastfeeding bond. As a matter of fact your BF moment could only be during the morning or evening.

It’s not unusual to feel tearful or sad during this period. Remember our body produces oxytocin during breastfeeding which makes us feel happy and relax. If we do less breastfeeding sessions with our baby, our body goes through some changes too. This can add up to the anxiety or sadness that we feel.

Spending time with our toddler doing other things like playing or learning letters and numbers can help with feeling less sad or depressed. Hugging and kissing can also help release the happy hormone – oxytocin in our body. These things can contribute to successful transition from being breastfed toddler to completely not breastfeeding anymore.

Weaning has no right or wrong time. Starting to wean your baby is a decision you both have to feel ready about. The relationship you have created during your breastfeeding journey is unique and special so it’s important to transition smoothly.

Both of you must be comfortable and ready for it. If you have any questions please be sure to contact Stephanie.

You can also read How to Know if Your Baby is Ready for Solids.

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