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Determine Your Breastfeeding Goals

As a mother (or a mom-to-be), your interests most likely shifted to all aspects related to motherhood. A huge part of this is caring for your child. For some, it is the art of breastfeeding. Maybe by now, you’ve read all about it and its great benefits. As a mom, of course, you will be doing what is told to be right and well for your child. That’s your motherly instinct finally kicking in, whether you like it or not. It’s probably a part of a woman’s DNA! Somewhere in there, it’s etched into our system how to rear for the young ones.

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Breastfeeding is great and all but.. where will you begin? What is the starting point of it? How will you define and determine your own breastfeeding goals?

First of all, knowing you’re right here reading this, is already a goal achieved for you. As a parent, the intention of rearing a child is the most important thing of all. You need to be in it for life. 

As discovered in a study, “women who intended to breastfeed had greater knowledge about prenatal nutritional recommendations, and accessed more sources of information about prenatal and infant nutrition compared to their non-intending counterparts”.

Even if you cannot and would not be able to breastfeed, just having the intention to do so makes you more knowledgeable about the best nutrition for your baby. It’s still a win for you even if you didn’t get to breastfeed your baby. It happens to a lot of moms and that is okay.

Breastfeeding Goals Aren’t “One Size Fits All”

But before we go any further into the future, let’s stay here in the moment where we are positive that breastfeeding is possible for you. At first, you can refer to other moms for what their goals were for breastfeeding. Collect their insights so you have somewhere to begin with. Remember that a mom’s breastfeeding goal isn’t a perfect fit for another. Sure, you’ll read that a minimum of six months of breastfeeding is recommended for babies. But what if that doesn’t work out for you? You will need to re-adjust and align it with your current lifestyle.

To determine your goals, decide on them with helpful prompts such as the elements of S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Your breastfeeding goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Using this can make determining your goals easier and much more realistic. You can list down your personal goals that you are more likely to reach.

For example, don’t just say you will breastfeed whenever you want to. Try to say, “I will breastfeed my baby up to 3 months exclusively.”

Setting goals like this makes it easier for you to reach them. You can firmly decline formula companies that send out samples before you could even leave the hospital after giving birth. It can be tempting and seem like an easy way to feed your baby. But once you have the goal set in your mind, you can just say no easily and stick to your breastfeeding plan.

Checklists, Birth Plans, and Breastfeeding Plans

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are general and applicable to any objective creation purposes. For more specific goals, you can check out this worksheet from the USDA WIC Breastfeeding Support. 

In this worksheet, you will find templates to assist you in your breastfeeding short-term and long-term goals. Also included in this are suggestions for preparing for your breastfeeding journey so this is really useful for us moms.

I also think it is important to create a birth plan or a breastfeeding plan before even starting with breastfeeding. This way, you’ll know what you will need as you breastfeed like baby supplies or breastfeeding essentials for mommies.

Know Your Why

Lastly, ask yourself, “Why am I or why will I breastfeed my baby?” 

The reason is different for every mom. For me, the goal is to give the best nourishment possible for my baby, plus, have that special connection and bond with him. Breastfeeding my first son wasn’t easy and my WHY for breastfeeding helped me move on from the hard parts of breastfeeding. 

This is why we call breastfeeding a journey because the endless ups and downs are guaranteed. So you really need to have a reason for breastfeeding to push you further whenever you feel like giving up. Don’t get pressured by other moms who may seem like producing batches of milk, while you are thinking that for your baby, you are making too little and not so frequently. Do it at your own pace. You will realize that you are making just enough. 

And most of all, enjoy the breastfeeding journey. Before you know it, your baby will start eating solids and wean by himself. 


Our breastfeeding journey as moms is not easy. Good times and bad times come hand in hand. This is why it is important to determine your goals before you even start. Talk to other moms and see what part of their goal would fit your own list, make it S.M.A.R.T., and try doing worksheets with a checklist. Remember to not get pressured and just enjoy the process. Breastfeeding lasts for only a short time in our children’s lives so let us live in every moment of it.

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