pregnant, mother, body

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety About Birthing

Fear and anxiety are natural human responses to a strange and new experience in life – and that includes the milestone of giving birth for women. Studies indicate that 30 percent of women show signs of fear of giving birth. From this, we can assume that these feelings are shared by a considerable number of women, including you.

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Although to welcome the new addition to her family, moms have to overcome the fear and anxiety of birthing. First of all, where is this unwanted emotion coming from? And how can new moms navigate through these emotions?

In some cases, it could lead to a diagnosed mental condition known as “tokophobia” – a pathological fear of pregnancy and can lead to avoidance of childbirth. Before it leads to this dilemma, let us discuss and see how this can be avoided.


I have three babies and my last birthing experience is completely different. Everything happened so quickly! I didn’t even have the time to think about anything. It became a completely natural and amazing birth for me, to be honest. There’s this sense of achievement and everything just wowed me. It left me breathless.

Things kind of do change in your birthing plan and your labor. But everything has a way to smoothen out eventually and be successful. Believe in yourself and your amazing body!

Common Fears and Anxieties About Birthing

A series of interviews revealed the 10 fears of a mother when it comes to labor. In this list, the fear may be as simple as not reaching the hospital in time, to the dreaded delivery complications.

Organized moms even go the extra mile in preparation by having a strict birth plan. These expectant mothers highly fear that the intricate details prepared do not turn out as planned. Your due date did not follow the schedule, the doctor is unavailable, your hospital of choice may be far from where you are at the moment – these possible factors could completely turn your birth plan around.

All the worries that were listed are valid fears, don’t worry! There are ways to get over these thoughts that stop you from fully experiencing the joy of pregnancy.

Combat the Fear

As a mom, you only hope for the best for your baby. And we hope for the same, too! So don’t fret, mommy! Here are simple ways to overcome your anxiety with your nearing labor:

  1. Research to Know What to Expect

How long will I give birth? Will it be painful? What should I prepare before giving birth? Help!

Overwhelming, isn’t it? We know how you feel. To clear your head, take it one question at a time. Look up the questions in reliable books, journals, forums, and blogs to educate yourself on each topic. You can divide the learning from the first, second, and third trimester of your pregnancy, and eventually to the actual day of birth. Take it easy. You have nine months ahead of you to prepare. By then, all the questions in your mind will be answered and you’ll be ready to deliver your baby.

It is also essential to prepare a ‘hospital bag’. This is a bag of items you take with you to the hospital when the day of your labor arrives. Get your checklist ready and browse for items to complete your bag right here.

2. Establish a Support System

Your support system is the most important pillar in your pregnancy. People around you should be aware of your existing fears and help you deal with them. Who are these persons to help you? The first one should be your partner. Daily, communicate with each other and let your partner know what you’re feeling. Refrain from hiding any pain whether it’s physical or mental.

Immediate family members are most likely open to extend a helping hand. One of the people who could understand you most is your mother who has gone through the same experience as you. Ask her for advice and hear out her expert motherly guidance.

Current friends are also dependable. Ring them up for a quick chat to shake off any stress or tension. Make even more friends in the same communities around the globe which you can find virtually.

And lastly, for any expert advice, it’s never a bad idea to drop by your doctor for a consultation.

Remember, you are not alone. There are ways for you to overcome fear and anxiety when it comes to giving birth. This might be the first experience for you, but eventually, you’ll realize that a woman’s first moments of motherhood are the best memories to keep. So chin up, get ready, because we’re all excited to meet you and your baby!


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