Increase Your Breast Milk Supply While Traveling With These Tips!

One of the challenges of a busy mom is finding out how you can maintain and increase you breast milk supply. Especially if your work involves traveling often, you might find it hard to continue breastfeeding your child. We’ve got the best tips ever to keep up with your breast milk supply even while you’re away from your baby!

breast shell

When you bring your breast pump make sure to know that the electric voltage is compatible with the country you are visiting. You can bring a regulator with you which is available on Amazon so you can use your pump wherever you go.

Pumping your milk can also be done on demand. Whenever you feel your breast engorge it means it is the best time to pump more milk. It is also advisable to still bring a manual pump if for whatever reason you are not able to use your electric pump.

Nursing pads are also a must so when you can’t pump right away you have as a support for your breast. Hand expression can also be done when you do not have your pumps available so you can still keep your milk supply.

Lastly do not throw your milk you can drink it yourself or your spouse or anyone you’re with. If it’s good for our babies then it’s good for everybody.

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