Mom Shaming…. the new cyber bullying ‍♀️‍‍‍

Social media anxiety is real, and according to, it feeds our self-consciousness, perfectionism, fears of personal failure and the fear of missing out. These leave the parents feeling insecure and looking for validation and are sometimes reasons to question another parent’s decisions, social media saturation and the almost uncontrollable urge to compare ourselves to others

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Mommy Tip #1 Cut out yourself from groups or people who are negative.

Mommy Tip #2 When expressing your opinion about a certain topic. Put yourself in the position of the other person you are going to confront so that you can think about the best way how to express yourself.

Parents manage their expectations when posting about themselves, their lives, and their children online. Bottom line, have some self-awareness and be cognizant of who your audience is. Parents must work with to start the day with something positive.

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