Nipple biting!?????????be careful how you deal with it??

Nipple biting can start early on from three to four months but when your baby reached the six month mark that’s when it becomes really obvious. One of the reasons why they bite is because of teething.

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Nipple biting is perfectly normal and moms should learn how to deal with it. First of all we have to let our baby know that its no okay and nipple biting shouldn’t be done.

Once your experience nipple biting at first the initial reaction would be to shout, but this is should not be the case. What we can do is to carefully move his cheek so that the mouth will open and the nipple can go out or insert your finger carefully to let the nipple go out. After that we can tell our baby not to do it.

Moms must also pay attention to what the baby is doing. When you see your baby not paying attention to breastfeeding give him something to catch his attention like a teething necklace to get his attention off the biting.

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