Why no mother should have to breastfeed in the bathroom when out in public

Here are the reasons no mother should ever have to breastfeed in the bathroom.

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Women should feel joyful, proud and amazing when nursing their babies because it’s a wonderful gift to give a child and a pretty amazing superpower that we should embrace, not hide.

In close to all 50 states, nursing in public in supported by law. Yes, women have rights when it comes to feeding their babies. Forcing them into bathroom stalls, kicking them out of restaurants and demeaning them in any way, violates those rights.

Being asked to go to the bathroom while nursing makes a mother feel like ordering in a restaurant and being ask to eat in the bathroom, not a mother doing the most important job in the world, which is feeding her baby.

Nursing a baby can be hard work and nursing on a toilet certainly doesn’t make it any easier. From tricky latches, to milk flow, to tired arms and a groggy mama, breastfeeding can sometimes be a challenge.

And there aren’t enough Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer that can sanitize a bathroom.

Breastfeeding is an amazing thing. No mom should ever be told to nurse in the bathroom. Let’s continue to support each other and show the community how beautiful breastfeeding is and that is should not be something to ashamed of.

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