Breast Preference

Nursing on One Breast Because of Baby’s Preference, What to Do?

Several nursing mothers may notice that one of their breasts is producing much more milk than the other. This can happen for many reasons, but usually, it’s because of your baby’s breast preference. When this occurs, your breast can become uneven and lopsided. Is this something that’s concerning you as well?

breast shell

Here’s the good news, nursing on one breast preference and lopsidedness is a common issue for most breastfeeding moms. However, don’t fret, this doesn’t mean that your other breast isn’t working.

Nursing on One Breast Over The Other?

Here are just a few reasons why it may be happening:

  • Your other breast may have a faster flow than the other. Your baby will usually prefer the breast that will give them the most milk. And since the size and shape of your nipple can differ from the other, the baby might want to latch on the nipple with the better milk flow.
  • You just suffered from mastitis. If you just had a breast infection that led to mastitis, you will notice a drop in supply in the infected breasts. Because of this, your baby will likely prefer the breast with a greater supply.
  • You may have a favorite position that favors the other breast. The breastfeeding mother can actually influence the baby’s breast preference.
  • You had breast surgery done. Breast surgeries, like those that reduce the size of your breast, can decrease your milk supply due to the removed milk ducts and glandular tissues.

How Can You Even Your Breast Out

Alternating breasts whenever you nurse your little one is the ultimate answer to end breast preference and lopsidedness. Your baby will nurse better on a breast that’s producing an adequate supply. And just like we always say, breastfeeding is dependent on the principle of supply and demand. Remembering to express both breasts equally can help improve milk production and balance your breasts.

Here are some things you can try out to even your breasts out:

  • Give the least preferred breast first at the beginning of the feed.
  • Offer the least preferred breast whenever your baby is feeling uneasy or fussy.
  • Choose to breastfeed on the least preferred breast when your baby is cluster feeding
  • Express breast milk from the least preferred breast in between feedings

Lopsided breasts are an issue for moms that have breasts with different milk supplies. But don’t worry, this should not last forever. Once you start weaning at 6 months, your breast size and shape should even out eventually.

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