PART 1: Starting Solids πŸŽπŸ›, confused about how to go about it? πŸ™‹πŸ»

Introducing solid food to your baby doesn’t have to start at six months. Your baby can survive and be completely healthy solely depending on breast milk. Most babies doesn’t become interested in solid foods until they are nine months.

breast shell

Mommies must keep in mind that solid food are there to complement with your breast milk. It is also important to check if your baby is solid food ready such as if they can already sit on their own, if they try to grab what you are eating or doing some mouth movements.

Starting solids on babies at four months or even lower should be really taken into consideration before doing it. Babies’ tummies or digestive system aren’t really ready yet to take in solid food. This may have an adverse reaction on your baby’s health.It can also sometimes develop allergies later on as they grow old.

It is very important to start solid food slowly such as one teaspoon per day. It is also advisable to feed your baby with breast milk first before giving them solids to make sure that they get the nutrition from the breastmilk first as it should be their primary source of nourishment.

The type of food we give them depends on us, it can be cereals, fruits or anything nutritious. The important thing is we give them the one which is rich in iron and protein.

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