Just Arrived

Pumping While You Travel — Tips To Remember

Traveling without your baby this summer? As a breastfeeding mommy, it can be difficult to prepare for that trip! First, you have the worry of being separated from your baby. Second, your pumping needs alone will take a whole lot of effort to even make the trip leak-free.

breast shell

Let me start off by saying that don’t feel guilty. A special trip alone with your husband is also an essential part of becoming the best mother you can be! Being a mother is a 24/7 task that you absolutely need to take a break from. If you plan to continue breastfeeding after you come back, get to know these pumping tips during your travel so you can keep your milk supply going for your baby.

Pumping During a Trip

You may have concerns especially if your child is still breastfeeding during the time you plan to travel. Pumping is essential even while your baby isn’t with you to prevent engorgement, mastitis, or your milk supply to suddenly drop. 

Jot down these pumping preparation tips so you can enjoy your trip with your partner:

1. Pack your pumping tool.

Manual breast pump.

Make sure it is compact and travel-friendly. Take extra tubings, filters, and adapters. Check the outlets and power voltages limits in the country you will be visiting so you can avoid any sudden emergencies. Bring a manual pump as well just in case. It is convenient and you can pack it in your travel backpack.

2. Stay hydrated!

woman drinking from a water bottle

Bring a water bottle you can bring as you walk around. Water is suddenly such an expensive treat especially as you arrive in those famous tourist spots if you plan to visit any. So before you leave your hotel rooms, fill up the bottle to the brim. Maybe bring an extra just to be sure. You can never be too sure about how much walking you will be experiencing during your trip!

3. Cover up for comfort.

Mom covered by a poncho like a nursing cover.

Bring your nursing cover even if your baby isn’t coming with you on that trip. In the first item, I have mentioned bringing a manual pump you can keep in your travel backpack because you never really know when you will need to pump! It’s true. And certain countries have stricter policies regarding breastfeeding in general. It is best to make sure you have a cover-up with you at all times so you can pump in peace.


Other Things To Remember

There are other breastfeeding essentials you can pack such as nursing pads to shield your breasts from any leakage and nipple balms to keep your breasts sore-free. You can check out these essentials at https://shop.mommyzlove.com.

Remember these pumping tips so you can enjoy the trip and come back to your baby feeling energized. Have a safe journey, mommyz!


nipple balm