The truth about breastfeeding and pain 😝😲

A baby who is awkwardly positioned may not be able to latch deeply, and will be more likely to damage a mother’s nipples. The same is true when a baby “slurps” the nipple into his mouth, rather than opening wide to latch. It’s easy to fall into this pattern, but the damage caused can be uncomfortable, at best. While this is the easiest thing to fix, it often takes a while for the nipples to heal and pain to abate.

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Be sure you are bringing your baby to the breast and keeping his body tight against yours when feeding ” you shouldn’t see any space between the two of you, and he should have his tummy toward your body not toward the ceiling. Wait for a nice, wide-open mouth before bringing your baby to the breast. Learn to get a deep, asymmetric latch ” point your nipple toward the roof of baby’s mouth when latching, and allow his head to tip back a bit. Once latched, his chin can be pressed into your breast tissue, and his nose might be touching your breast. You may need to support your breast throughout a feeding so that gravity doesn’t pull it out of baby’s mouth ” and so he doesn’t need to use his gums to hold onto the nipple to keep it from slipping!

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