The truth about sex and breastfeeding ‍♀️‍♂️

Sex during pregnancy or after giving birth or even during breastfeeding can be affected by the hormones you have during this period.

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Your attention to your partner maybe a little less during these period especially during the first year of your baby because a lot of your attention is veing given to your little one. It makes it even harder when you have more than one kids.

It is normal that sex life of partners change after having a baby especially during breastfeeding because of your hormones.

Estrogen is at its peak during pregnancy. This decreases once you give birth to your baby and can cause vaginal dryness. Once this happens sex will not be that comfortable at this period.

The moms libido goes down to along with the drop in estrogen which actually affects the sexual drive.

Relaxin is a hormone produced by the ovary and the placenta with important effects in the female reproductive system and during pregnancy. In preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix.

Oxytocin is released when you breastfeed which can make you feel sleepy and relaxed, it also known as the love hormone. It makes you become meotionally attached to your baby.

These hormones affect how you feel toward your partner in terms of your sexual drive. It doesn’t mean your love them less, but this period is the time where your baby needs more attention. Once your baby grows older, the moms hormones will go back to normal.

Every moms experience is different but the first few months is difficult. What’s important is partners support each other and understand each other. Eventually everything will be back like before.

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