When is The Right Time To Wean Your Breastfed Baby?

Finding the right time to wean your breastfed baby from solid foods can be quite difficult. They’ve already grown their liking over breast milk, so introducing new flavors and textures might overwhelm your baby. Here’s how you can tell they’re ready to be weaned into solid foods.

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Some moms are thinking of weaning their baby because of some people around them influencing them about your breastfeeding. It could be because of some situations that may affect your breastfeeding like going back to work, baby is going to school or your pregnancy etc.

Breastfeeding can be done for as long as you want and for as log as you’re comfortable breastfeeding your baby. The benefits of breastfeeding does not stop at a certain age of your baby. Your milk supply is evolving according to needs of you baby. It is also important to consider the emotional changes of your child. Pumping is a way to continue breastfeeding your baby even when they start schooling.

If you’re pregnant you don’t have to stop breastfeeding. It’s still safe to breastfeed your baby unless you have the risk of miscarriage like you’re bleeding due to high risk pregnancy in which case you have to discontinue.

Weaning is an emotional experience and involves the bond created between you through time. To sum it up, you have to consider both you and your baby’s relationship to decide when to start weaning.

Click here to read about weaning and how to know if your baby is ready for solids.

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