Why Newborns Feed All Day Long

Breastfeeding is demanding because it takes so much of our time nursing and making sure our babies are fed well. However, as you all breastfeeding moms experience, there are days where we don’t understand why newborns feed all day!

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Why Newborns Feed All Day Long?

On some days babies will just feed all day and will make us think if they are getting enough milk or is there any problem. But don’t worry mommies this stage where our babies would just want to feed all day is called growth spurt.

According to Kellymom, during a growth spurt, breastfed babies nurse more often than usual (sometimes as often as every hour) and often act fussier than usual.

The increase in baby’s milk intake during growth spurts is temporary. In exclusively breastfed babies, milk intake increases quickly during the first few weeks of life, then stays about the same between one and six months. As solids are gradually introduced after six months, the baby’s milk intake will gradually decrease.

During the growth spurt, our baby is telling us that this stage is when their growth will be at a rapid peak. It will signal our body to produce more milk for them. This is especially true during their developmental milestone.

So remember mommies, during this time it is normal for our babies to clingy and always wanting to nurse. And there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. It’s important to comfort our babies and make sure that we are here for them.

Watch this video to learn more.


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