Why Are Yeast Infections Common in Breastfeeding Moms and Babies

Candida is a type of fungus that occurs naturally in the membrane of the skin. Pregnant women are at higher risk for contracting a yeast infection while they were carrying their baby. And eventually, they can pass the yeast infection when they breastfeed their babies. Here are a few reasons why it’s becoming common!

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Symptoms of a yeast infection in your baby include creamy white spots or patches on the mucous membranes inside the mouth (gums, cheeks, or tongue). The spots may look pearly, and may be surrounded by redness. If you gently scrape the spot, it may be reddish underneath (unlike a coating of milk on the tongue).

Sometimes the inside of the lips or the saliva may have a ‘mother of pearl’ appearance. The baby may be fussy and gassy, and sucking may be uncomfortable for him. He may pull off the breast, or may refuse to nurse at all. It is also possible for him to have an overgrowth of yeast but have no visible symptoms. 

Symptoms in the mother include severe stinging, burning pain, which may be on the surface of the nipples, or may be felt deep inside the breast. Pain often continues throughout the feeding and in between feedings – especially immediately after.

Source: https://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/articles/yeast-infections-or-thrush

Yeast is being passed on to the baby through breastfeeding. It could cause pain in the mother while she’s feeding the baby. Nipple creams should not be used on a daily basis but only to help treat nipple damage. The best way to prevent yeast is through good hygiene.

Nipple pads should be washed regularly. If your baby uses pacifiers or bottles make sure to wash them regularly and sterilize. The best way to treat yeast is very good hygiene for both mom and the baby.

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