The #1 tip to make potty training a quick success!

Potty training is a decision made by your toddler. It is a developmental milestone that they have to be mentally ready for. It is very important that you listen to your child’s cues to know if they are really ready to be potty trained or not.

Potty training doesn’t happen overnight. You have to communicate to your child to make them understand about the toilet, diapers, pee and poop. Even if your child doesn’t speak yet, you can use body language or even a few words to get the message across. The sooner you start, the better.

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You can start by making them wear underwear. You can also try different potty training tools and choose the best one that works for you. If you can give them treats to motivate them to do what you are teaching them, then good. You can also get them involved in cleaning up his mess. It is very important to talk to them, get them involved and allow them time to understand the process so that they will remember it constantly eventually.

Motivation, positive reinforcement and encouragement will play the key roles in making your potty training a success. It’s also important to get your family members involved to give encouragement to your child. The important thing is to be patient to your child and trust that he will learn it eventually.

Remember mommies that potty training is a work in progress with your babies. Get the right equipment to help you, set up training schedule with your baby, and best of all know the best time to start potty training.

If you have any questions please be sure to reach out to me. Also check out my other post about potty training here.

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