The Best Potty Training Advice No One Will Tell You

Potty training definitely demands a lot of patience, time, and effort for both you and your child. Since kids have a hard time communicating how they feel, most parents often force their children to potty. But did you know that by simply listening and communicating with your child can dramatically improve their potty training? Here is the best potty training advice no one will tell you!

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Best Potty Training Advice: Communication Is Key 

Teaching your son how to use the potty will require time and patience on your part, and a reasonable degree of cooperation and motivation from your son. It’s important to know if your child is ready for potty training and to have the tools you need to do so. The best potty training advice I can give would be to listen to your child.

Listen to your child when they want to go. It helps them understand that they have to do it there. After some time of practice,  they will eventually be comfortable with it and then be able to initiate on his own.

More Tips For Successful Potty Training

  • Potty training doesn’t happen overnight. You have to communicate with your child to make them understand about the toilet, diapers, pee, and poop. Even if your child doesn’t speak yet, you can use body language or even a few words to get the message across. The sooner you start, the better.
  • You can start by making them wear underwear. You can also try different potty training tools and choose the best one that works for you. If you can give them treats to motivate them to do what you are teaching them, then good. You can also get them involved in cleaning up his mess. It is very important to talk to them, get them involved and allow them time to understand the process so that they will remember it constantly eventually.
  • Motivation, positive reinforcement, and encouragement will play key roles in making your potty training success. Involve your family members in giving encouragement to your child. The important thing is to be patient to your child and trust that he will learn it eventually.

Read more here to know how to make potty training a success!


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