How Breastfeeding Avoids Dehydration in Newborn Babies

It’s common knowledge that the answer to dehydration can be solved by drinking more water. But did you know that in newborns and infants less than 6 months, this might do them more harm than good? Breast milk is the only best way to prevent dehydration in newborn babies. Find out why in this video and article!

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Do Breastfed Babies Need Water?

Here’s the truth: Breastfed babies that are exclusively drinking breast milk for the first 6 months DO NOT need to be introduced to water. But, how do moms avoid dehydration in newborn babies? Introduction of water to your baby doesn’t need to start during the early months. As long as you are breastfeeding on demand you don’t have to give him water to keep hydrated. Breast milk takes care of keeping your baby hydrated.

Exclusive Breastfeeding For The First 6 Months

Giving breast milk to a baby exclusively for the first 6 months is a well-known recommendation from various health organization like the AAP and WHO. This is based on numerous scientific studies that prove how the benefits of breast milk are maximized through exclusive and sustained breastfeeding.

Breast milk has all the needed energy and nutrients infants need during the first 6 months. Among the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding are the following:

  • Reduces infant deaths
  • Prevents common childhood illnesses like diarrhea and pneumonia
  • Speeds up recovery during illness
  • Encourages family planning and spaced births

How Breastfeeding Avoids Dehydration In Newborn Babies

The average fluid requirements of a healthy baby can range from 80-100 mg/kg in the first week to 140-160 mg/kg by 3 to 6 months. These fluid volumes are adequately supplied by drinking breast milk alone when breastfeeding is done on demand.

What’s In Your Breast Milk?

  • Breast milk is actually 88% water. The high water content of breast milk sufficiently hydrates the baby. So there’s no need for any additional water or sugar juices.
  • Breast milk is low in solutes. The sodium, potassium, and other mineral contents of breast milk are relatively low. This means they don’t need so many fluids to process and digest these minerals in the body.
  • Breast milk has immune-boosting components. That is why even in summer months, even without drinking water they can still be hydrated. This is the reason dehydration in breastfeeding babies and toddlers rarely happen.

Our breast milk will have everything your baby needs including hydration. Our breast milk works amazingly well that it knows what the baby’s body needs including water. It’s composition changes according to their need.

However, it is still important to note in case you feel something is wrong to know the symptoms of dehydration while breastfeeding.


Click here to read about increasing your milk supply naturally.

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