Why does breastmilk poop πŸ’© smell so good 😊

Breastfed baby’s poop doesn’t smell vsΒ formula-fed baby’s poop which stinks. This is because formula contains a lot of man-made and processed ingredients which makes it harder for the the baby’s digestive system to absorb. While the breast milk is easier to absorb by the baby plus it’s all made of nutrients which the body absorb.

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Normal baby poop is mustard yellow, green or brown color. It is typically seedy and pasty in texture and may be runny enough to resemble diarrhea. Healthy breastfed stools will smell sweet (unlike regular bowel movement odor). For formula-fed baby it’s typically a shade of yellow or brown with a pasty consistency that is peanut butter like. Formula-fed babies also pass fewer, but bigger and more odorous stools than breastfed babies.

For frequency, after the first week of life, breastfed babies usually have a bowel movement after every feed. After a period of 6 weeks they can continue to have up to 5 per day or one bowel movement every 7-10 days. Formula fed babies usually only poop +/- 5 times per day in the beginning and after a few months, it decreases to about one poop per day.

From these, we can figure out why formula-fed babies’ poop smells bad compared to breastfed babies.

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