Can formula or cereal before bedtime help your breastfed baby sleep more?😴

Formula and cereal take longer for the baby’s tummy to digest. This is why some moms thing that giving their babies formula or cereal before bed time can help their baby sleep longer at night. However there is no scientific studies to support this claim. Whether the baby was breastfed or formula fed its just the same sleep effect it gives the baby.

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If you use formula for the reason that you believe it will help your baby sleep longer at night, this will actually only affect his digestive system. When the mom alternates breast milk annd formula, the nutrients and antibodies in the hte baby’s tummy will ba affected.

The baby’s long sleep at night is actually a milestone for them. The baby’s nervous system may not be ready for it yet that’s why they are still sleeping in short hours. Breastfeeding at night is also good for the baby’s brain.

It’s really important to just let your baby on his sleeping pattern. What’s important is the bond that’s being created between the mom and the baby.

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