Category Milk Supply

How To Do Hand Expressing For Milk Supply Increase

Lactation Chest Baby Breastfeeding  - alfcermed / Pixabay

Increasing our milk production as breastfeeding moms is our number one priority. That’s for sure. Do you want to know the most natural way to make more milk? Hand expressing — the key to an abundant supply of breastmilk! This…

Pumping While You Travel — Tips To Remember

Just Arrived

Traveling without your baby this summer? As a breastfeeding mommy, it can be difficult to prepare for that trip! First, you have the worry of being separated from your baby. Second, your pumping needs alone will take a whole lot…

Why Breastfeed For 6 Months Even When It Hurts?

Breastfeeding can be an exciting yet daunting, especially for new mothers. When you start nursing, it’s completely normal for your breast and nipples to feel tender and sore. Mild discomforts are often due to your milk “let down”, poor latching,…

Should You Really Use A Pacifier For Breastfed Baby?

Pacifiers, also known as soothers or dummies, are very popular baby accessories, which can come in all shapes and sizes! But if you’re breastfeeding, should you use a pacifier for a breastfed baby? We dive into the risk and benefits…

How prepared do you really have to be for breastfeeding?

What is your story about your first time breastfeeding? Were you prepared, were you scared, excited, confused, lost? Because many new Mommyz spend quite a lot of time preparing themselves for this, like enrolling in a course, attending community meet-ups,…

Do you know how milk supply evolves 👶🏻👏🏻?

There is no point at which the benefits of breastfeeding suddenly “run out”. Breast milk does not turn into water overnight on your baby’s first birthday. As long as you nurse, your baby gets valuable immunities, as well as the…