Lactation Cookie

Increase Breast Milk Supply While Snacking with Our Lactation Cookie Mix

Are you struggling to build up and establish your milk supply? Not knowing whether or not you’re producing enough milk for your baby has been one of the most common worries moms face in the early days of breastfeeding. 

lactation cookies

It’s not yet time to throw in your towels, mommyz! There are many techniques and alternatives that you can do to promote your milk production. Perfecting the latch and frequently breastfeeding are ultimately the best solutions to low milk supply. But in case these tricks don’t work, lactation experts suggest taking in some galactagogues — substances that promote and stimulate milk flow. 

Mommyz Love’s Lactation Cookie Mix: What’s In It and How It Works 

Buy on Amazon – Lactation Cookie Mix by Mommyz Love

Galactagogues come in different varieties now, more often in the form of lactation snacks. Here at Mommyz Love, we focused on bringing the safest, healthiest, and most delicious ingredients to develop the best milk-making treats you can find! The Mommyz Love Lactation Cookie Mix is crafted from the all-natural and organic ingredients that will help stimulate and promote milk production. 

Here are the main ingredients in Mommyz Love’s Lactation Cookie Mix and how it helps increase your milk production: 

Brewer’s Yeasts 

lactation cookie

Brewer’s yeast has been considered a nutrient-dense ingredient as it is rich in B vitamins, selenium, chromium, iron, and proteins that support overall health. 

How Can It Increase Your Milk Supply: Brewer’s yeasts have been a traditional remedy to promote breast milk production, which is why it has become a staple ingredient in many lactation snacks. Its mix of nutrients has been thought to have an effect on a woman’s breastfeeding hormones. 


lactation cookie

As one of the oldest fiber crops known on earth, flaxseeds are among the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber — important nutrients for your digestive, heart, and brain health.

How Can It Increase Your Milk Supply: In terms of pumping up your milk production, the phytoestrogen called lignans found in flaxseeds mimic the effects of estrogen. The increase of this important breastfeeding hormone may impact your breast milk supply. 

Wholegrain Oats 

lactation cookie

Wholegrain oats are another popular source of fiber. It is a key nutrient that can lower your cholesterol levels and sweep out the toxins in your digestive tract. They also very rich other nutrients like iron, zinc, manganese, and calcium.

How Can It Increase Your Milk Supply: According to a few studies, oats contain bioactive phytonutrients that may stimulate oxygen and nutrient flow in the mammary glands. They also have other milk-making nutrients like phytoestrogens and saponins.

lactation cookie


How To Prepare Mommyz Love’s Lactation Cookie Mix + Tips!

lactation cookie

Milk abundance is just one indulgent bite away! To make the Mommyz Love Lactation Cookies, you simply need to gather just 3 ingredients:  ½ cup of butter, 1 egg, and 1 tablespoon of water. Once you’re prepped and ready to go, follow these 3 easy steps! 

  1. Combine Mommyz Love Lactation Cookie mix with unsalted butter, egg, and water in a large bowl. Then, mix together thoroughly until smooth. 
  2. Use a parchment paper or use a non-stick spray to line your baking sheets. Mold the dough using a tablespoon. Flatten them out to shape. 
  3. Bake at 350 deg F for 11-13 minutes. Cool it down in a cooling rack for at least 3 minutes. Serve fresh or store for later. 
lactation cookie

We recommend eating about 1-2 cookies per day for optimal lactation support. You can substitute or add more ingredients to your liking. You can try these recipe modifications: 

  • If you want to make them healthier, you can switch out the butter with coconut oil or applesauce. 
  • Prefer your cookies hot off the oven? You can bake these in smaller batches and just half the portions of the ingredients. 

You can buy the Mommyz Love Lactation Cookie Mix on our online store or via Amazon. To support you through your breastfeeding journey, we also have other top-selling products like the organic nipple balm, washable nursing pads, and disposable nursing pads which can help prevent and relieve breastfeeding pain. 

lactation cookies