How To Build Your Milk Supply: Quick and Easy Steps

Either you just had a baby, just got back from vacation or are about to get back to work and planning to build your own milk supply, every breastfeeding moms’ goal is to increase their breast milk output. Having an adequate milk supply is every mom’s ultimate goal. So here are quick and easy steps on how you can build your milk supply. 

breast shell

3 Steps: How To Build Your Milk Supply

Nurse Your Baby as Often as You Can

One of the proven and tested ways to build your milk supply is to feed your baby often. Nursing is a supply and demand system, thus if you nurse your baby often, the more milk you produce. If you just had a baby, the first six weeks is essential and is setting up your milk supply. Breastfeed your baby as often as you can. If you just have been away from your baby for more than a few days pumping and nursing your baby alternately can help build up your supply again.

It is important to know if your baby is latching and sucking correctly for efficient feeding. Most babies need a little help to latch on correctly. When the baby is not latched correctly, you won’t be able to nurse effectively and your breast milk will not be consumed and thus affects the production. A shallow latch will cause you to feel a slightly painful sensation in your nipples. It’s okay, secure the areola and try again. You will feel the sucking once your baby is latched on correctly and sucking milk from your breast.

Pump in Between Nursing

Adding pumping sessions in between nursing can be very helpful in increasing your milk supply. This can also help if your baby is not nursing efficiently or frequently. Your goal in pumping milk is to empty your breasts as often as possible so as to produce more milk. Make sure to get the optimum amount of milk when pumping to make sure your breasts start producing milk again quickly.

The most effective time to pump your breast is after nursing your baby. Let your baby feed for as long as she is actively sucking so that your baby receives the majority of your breast milk. Remember newborn babies will not fully empty breast thus it helps to pump after nursing. This will completely drain your breast. An average of 25 percent of milk is available after feeding your baby. It is recommended to pump your breast for at least ten to fifteen minutes after the feeding. Remember that the goal of pumping is to stimulate your breasts to produce more milk right now by letting your brain think that it needs to supply all the demand that is in place.

Build Your Milk Supply With Galactagogue

Galactagogue is a substance that can help build your milk supply. The most commonly found herbs are fenugreek, blessed thistle, and alfalfa. There are a lot of recipes for smoothies that can easily be prepared for breastfeeding moms to help boost milk supply.

It is important to keep yourself hydrated so that your body can produce more milk. Be sure to have a balanced diet and eat healthy foods. Breastfeeding can burn 500-800 calories a day so it is important to eat enough calories. Right minerals and nutrients and adequate exposure to sunlight also help in the overall health of the mother so that she can produce more milk for her baby.

Building your milk supply is a common worry for most moms, independent of how far along they are in their breastfeeding journey. So it is important that you really analyze if there is a real risk of low milk supply, which could ultimately impact your baby’s development. If you suspect this, reach out to an IBCLC and also your pediatrician.

Most women do see that foods affect their milk supply, for me, it was oatmeal and brewer’s yeast, was there a favorite technique or foods that you saw would boost your supply in just a few days, and if so how did you eat/prepare this food?

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