Are you being pressured to formula feed?

Growth chart is a general indication of where your child is in terms of the standard growth of children of the same age in the US. It is what most hospitals use which consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in children. In some cases when the baby’s measurement is smaller than what they perceive is normal, moms are being forced to formula feed.

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People may have the tendency compare your baby to formula fed babies. However breastfed babies cannot be compared to formula-fed babies because their weight gain is completely different.

Babies come in all shapes and sizes. So those growth charts could not determine if your baby is healthy or not. Breastfed babies are perfectly healthy as long as you see they are reaching their milestones.

It doesn’t matter if your baby is small or tall. What matters is they are growing and healthy. Do not compare your baby to others. Keep on breastfeeding your baby and your baby is going to be just fine.

Read here to find out how much money you can save from breastfeeding vs formula feeding.

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