How Many Times a Day Should I Breastfeed My Newborn?

Get ready to get busy mommy! Having a newborn around can demand quite a lot of your time, especially if you plan to breastfeed. Although it may feel overwhelming and stressful in the start, with the right mindset and motivation, you’ll soon be a breastfeeding champ!

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First-time moms are often confused about a newborn’s feeding requirements On average, a newborn breastfeeds every 2-3 hours within a day. Roughly, that’s about 8 to 12 sessions in a 24-hour period. It’s particularly important to be actively and frequently breastfeeding in the first few weeks as this helps establish a good milk supply.

How Often Should Your Newborn Breastfeed?

First Days After Birth

Breastfeeding should be introduced immediately in the first hour after birth in the hospital, according to the 10 Steps To Successful Breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact will help trigger let down and milk flow. The first few flows of milk your baby will receive may be small in quantity, but it’s pretty powerful. This is the colostrum that’s loaded with nutrients and immune bodies that protects your baby from infections and diseases.

Mothers are encouraged to breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times every 1 to 3 hours. A newborn’s belly will be tiny, so there’s no need for large quantities of breast milk. However, to increase your milk supply, you should still feed as frequently as possible.

First Weeks and Months

Over time, your baby’s belly will start growing. This means they may be taking in more breast milk every feeding. Over the first few weeks and months, the time between each breastfeeding session will also become longer — about 2 to 4 hours for most exclusively breastfed babies.

The frequency of their feeds will also vary depending on the time of day. On average, it will be around 8 to 12 times a day. Keep in mind that some feeding sessions may take longer, while others might just be short. This is completely normal. Babies feed up what they only need and usually stop when they’re already full.

How Can You Tell A Baby Is Hungry?

Your baby will communicate hunger to you by its actions. Look into these hunger cues:

  • They are feeling awake, alert, and active
  • Sucking on hands
  • Moving lips together
  • The tongue is sticking out
  • Makes sounds
  • Pulls up their legs
  • Move head from side to side
  • Putting the head on the chest when being held

How Can You Tell If A Baby Is Full?

Here’s how you can tell that your baby has been satisfied after breastfeeding:

  • Stops latching and sucking on its own and remove their head from the breast
  • Your breast no longer feel full
  • Falling asleep with your breast feeling less full
  • Turning away from the nipple
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