How prepared do you really have to be for breastfeeding?

What is your story about your first time breastfeeding? Were you prepared, were you scared, excited, confused, lost?

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Because many new Mommyz spend quite a lot of time preparing themselves for this, like enrolling in a course, attending community meet-ups, and even reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, joining Facebook groups — and after several months of that you think you are well prepared.

Then it hits you — you are not prepared at all!

This is even worse for soon-to-be Mommyz out there who spend too much time worrying about their upcoming labor that they end up not planning their breastfeeding and sleeping schedule ahead of time. And to me this is the most challenging phase of motherhood, more so than being pregnant and giving birth. It’s the period where you are still recovering from giving birth, nourishing your baby, and at the same time fighting with your hormones.

So, my question to expecting mommyz is:

How are you preparing yourself?

And to the experienced mommyz out there:

What is your story and what advice can you give?

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