woman in white tank top carrying baby in black and white stripe onesie

Increase Your Breast Milk Quality

A new breastfeeding mother might have a dozen questions in her mind. One of these would be, “What can I eat while breastfeeding?” It’s great that you’re thinking about this because a mom’s food intake can maintain her healthy body and always be prepared for breastfeeding her baby. As moms, we always want to make sure that we are giving the best breast milk quality to our babies.

lactation cookies

There are many studies in regards to breastfeeding and a mother’s diet. And in this article, I have included the factors that are effective for me. Try to look into it. Maybe these things may fit you as well. Let’s take a look at the ways to increase your breast milk quality.

A Mother’s Distress

There is a study that states ‘breastfeeding women believed that maternal diet influenced infant cry-fuss behaviour, in spite of scientific evidence demonstrating the contrary’. This is how big of a deal it is for mothers to think about their diet because some babies experience constant crying. Mothers often think that the problem is their daily food intake even if the study found out that it is not. Caffeine, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, spicy foods, gluten, and beans are the common food items that were eliminated in an attempt to improve their diet and control their babies’ fussiness. Often, it leads to a mother’s stress and hardships.

Things to Consider

I had been in that scenario many, many times. It gets better. Trust me. From my viewpoint, here are the ways I have considered to make my breast milk better for me and my babies.

1. Facts and Myths

In an article by the Le Leche League Great Britain, they have busted the myths and describe the facts in full detail about breastfeeding and a mother’s diet. Knowing this is important so you wouldn’t make too drastic of a change in order to improve your breastmilk. 

For me, the best myth busted is “You need to drink milk to make milk”. It takes a complex system in the body to make great breast milk. Whatever milk we drink is not the only factor that our mammary glands include in the entire composition of the breast milk they produce for our babies. It’s much more than that!

2. Get to Know Galactagogues

As you begin with breastfeeding, familiarize yourself with galactagogues. These are food items that increase our breast milk supply in a natural way. Some of these are the following: oatmeal, brewer’s yeast, fennel, and fenugreek seed. But before you try these, make sure you have no certain food allergies or restrictions.

3. A Balanced Diet

Your diet may somewhat still be the same as when you were pregnant. This is because as a breastfeeding mom, you are still eating for two people. Do not worry if your appetite is heightened. 

Check out this list for the diet I followed while breastfeeding:

a newborn baby sleeping sweetly in a blanket
  • Protein: 3 servings
  • Whole Grains and Complex Carbohydrates: 3 or more servings
  • Fat: Small amounts
  • Calcium: 5 servings
  • Iron-rich foods: 1+ servings
  • Vitamin C: 2 servings
  • Vegetables/fruits: 3 – 5 servings
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: 2 to 3 servings per week

Let me remind you that you shouldn’t restrict yourself so much and enjoy your favorite food. Only make sure to limit it to a certain approved amount by your healthcare provider. The food items you should think of limiting are anything with caffeine, sugary drinks, seafood, and processed foods.

4. Supplements

Another way to increase your breast milk quality is to take vitamins and supplements. In this study, they concluded that ‘maternal dietary vitamin and/or mineral supplementation, particularly fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin B1, B2, and C might be reflected in the breast milk composition.’ They also found out that a higher dose is reflected more in the colostrum.

If you’re thinking about bringing supplements into your daily breastfeeding routine, I second that decision! Visit your healthcare provider for a consultation so you know which supplements are right for you and your baby.

5. Breastfeeding Time

The last thing to consider is to breastfeed on demand. Offer your breast to your baby whenever possible. Breast milk contains more fat this way. Do not be constrained by the hours pushed to breastfeeding mothers. Babies are not the same with their feeding times. Just listen to your baby’s cues and maintain their weight and your breast milk’s quality.


Increasing your breast milk quality takes a whole lot of effort from mothers. In my experience, the four things to consider for this are knowing the facts and myths, considering galactagogues, maintaining a balanced diet, incorporating supplements, and breastfeeding on demand.

Our breast milk compositions are not the same. My standard of quality may not be enough for your baby so you might want to tweak it a little bit here and there. We know that a mother’s milk is still best for babies and it is ‘custom-made’ to suit your baby’s current needs.


Visit our shop for breastfeeding essentials: https://shop.mommyzlove.com.

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