Do you know how milk supply evolves πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»?

There is no point at which the benefits of breastfeeding suddenly β€œrun out”. Breast milk does not turn into water overnight on your baby’s first birthday. As long as you nurse, your baby gets valuable immunities, as well as the security and emotional advantages of nursing.

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When you start to give your baby foods other than breast milk, it’s called weaning. Most parents consider weaning to mean completely stopping breastfeeding.
By the time your baby is six months old, he’s reached just about maximal breastmilk intake. He’s more active, scooting around, sitting up, exploring his world, and may be needing more fuel. Once you start solids, he’ll get a lot of calories that way, but until then, he needs a lot of mama’s milk.

You may have let yourself off the hook your first few months back at work, but now that your baby is “older”, you may be putting some pressure on yourself to take on more responsibilities. Maybe you’re getting more concerned about taking care of housework, maybe you’re being asked to do more at work, but in my experience, the added work really starts to pile up around this time. And we don’t baby ourselves the way we did when we had a newborn.

For a lot of pumping moms, the stimulation of the pump isn’t quite enough to keep you from ovulating and having periods anymore. These hormonal changes sometimes cause a little supply dip right before your period.

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