How much money do you really save breastfeeding VS formula bottle feeding ?

Breastfeeding your baby can give you so much savings. An average baby eat 25 ounces of milk/day during their first year of life. The average cost of infant formula (2018 prices) = $0.25 And the average milk/formula during their first year of life = 9,125 ounces. So if you do the Math mommies that’s thousands of dollars spent of formula milk.

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This amount could have gone to college education or any investment much more beneficial to your baby and the family.

Breastfeeding costs you nothing but your 100% dedication. It will benefit not just your baby from nutrients but the moms as well because breastfeeding helps us avoid so many diseases and other health problems.

Raising awareness of this aspect helps moms make a more informed decision about breastfeeding her child.

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