What is the number one cause that prevented you from Breastfeeding?

There a lot of different reasons that might prevent or cause mothers to struggle from breastfeeding. Although a lot of them are valid and some might be just excuses. Formula milk are readily available and might be an easier choice for some mothers  to choose. However, sometimes the root cause of the problem is due to lack of support from our community. Mothers have to understand breastfeeding and how it works. Know the reason why you want to breastfeed and that is to have a healthy and strong baby and that will give you the drive to continue on with breastfeeding even though its hard.

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Some mothers would justify their reason for not breastfeeding, but mothers are truly capable of breastfeeding. It may not be easy in the beginning, but we can find support from other mothers out there. Perseverance and being able to overcome your struggles are your keys to go strong with breastfeeding your baby.

There are things you need to think and consider on how to succeed in breastfeeding. A good support from family and community are some of the factors to make breastfeeding work for you.

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