Is nursing your baby to sleep a good choice?

Is it Okay to Breastfeed your Baby to Sleep?

Breast milk contains different hormones such as oxytocin, prolactin and cholecystokinen (CCK). These hormones causes the sleepiness in both the mom and the baby. Breastfeeding your baby skin to skin boosts oxytocin which enhances the mother’s maternal feelings and give her sense of calmness which also has the same effect on the baby. Study suggests that the mother’s “night milk” has more  melatonin, a sleep inducing hormone which is more effective in putting your baby to sleep.

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Given these evidences that show how breast milk can help babies to sleep, there are still some who worries that breastfeeding your baby to sleep may be helping them create a bad sleeping habit. There are several reasons why a baby nurses and here are the things you need to know about breastfeeding your baby to sleep:

Breastfeeding your baby to sleep gives you and your baby comfort.

Breastfeeding provide comfort for pain. Oxytocin level while breastfeeding gives your baby a natural sedative and feel good effect. This can be very helpful if your baby is teething or is not feeling well. Your baby feels a sense of security and familiarity which helps him fall to sleep while nursing. Comfort nursing is normal and is one way to nurture your baby.

Nursing your baby to sleep is not creating a bad habit.

Due to the hormones produced during breastfeeding, it is only natural that your baby will fall asleep during nursing. The baby will seek the breast when sleepy because this gives him security, familiarity and relaxation. It is oftentimes during naptime that your baby nurses well. Mothers must take advantage of this to empty their breast so they can produce more milk. So don’t think that you are creating a bad habit on your baby, instead take advantage of it so you can increase your milk supply.

Your baby will learn to go to sleep on their own as a milestone

You do not need to worry that you might be creating a bad habit for your baby. You are NOT. When your baby is emotionally, physically and developmentally ready, he will be able to sleep on her own with or without your breast. Babies are good at adapting to ways to fall asleep. Even their sleeping patterns changes as they grow. As a matter of fact, you do not need to teach a child to fall asleep on their own, she will progress as she grows and it will be her milestone once she learns to sleep without breastfeeding.

So mommyz there is no need to worry that your baby will not outgrow needing your breast to fall asleep. Babies fall asleep during nursing because it is the natural effect of breastfeeding. We must take advantage of this to spend more time with our baby because this is just a short period of their life. Soon enough they will grow and won’t breastfeed anymore. So enjoy every breastfeeding moment with your baby, nourish, nurture and bond with your baby while she falls asleep.

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