How do schedules work for breastfed babies vs formula ?

Breastfed babies are more adaptable to changes around them. They can easily go with the flow with what’s happening around them. This is because babies find their comfort in the presence of their mom and by breastfeeding them.

breast shell

Here are some Tips How to Raise an Adaptable and Flexible Child Set the example – Do you freak out over minor schedule changes or insist on a perfectly spotless house? Chances are, your little one will be tightly wound, as well. Roll with the punches to teach your little one how to be flexible. When something goes wrong, express frustration and then look for solutions. For example, “I’m annoyed that the party was cancelled because I was looking forward to it. Let’s make cookies and go to the park instead.”

Maintain a predictable, but flexible, schedule and routine. Kids need some rules and boundaries to feel safe. If life is too laissez-faire, kids sometimes become rigid and inflexible as a way to create a sense of order. For example, eat dinner together as a family on school nights, but loosen the rules a bit on the weekend. Spread a blanket on the family room floor and eat pizza while watching a movie.

Make it easier for your child to adapt to change. Expectations often create reality when it comes to parenting. If you pussyfoot around your child, worrying about upsetting her when something goes awry, chances are, she’s going to be upset. If, on the other hand, you matter-of-factly accept change as part of life, your child will too. Calmly say, “I’m sorry Janie can’t come to our house to play today. She’ll come another day when she’s not sick. What do you want to do instead?” Then move on.

Tip Teaching a child flexibility takes some balancing. On the one hand, don’t go out of your way to create upheaval or distress. Children need consistency and security. On the other hand, don’t shield your child from inevitable disappointments. Kids need to learn that they won’t always get their way, and they can be happy anyway.

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Credits to The Bump

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