The Real Problem About Breastfeeding

No mother should be mom-shamed for whatever feeding choice she made for her baby. Moms who chose to formula feed her baby due to reasons beyond her control are still doing what is best for her baby. However, they still face criticism and judgment over their choices. Find out the real problem about breastfeeding in this article!

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The Real Problem About Breastfeeding 

The issue is never about formula should be accessible to moms or not. As a matter of fact, we should be thankful that formula exists because moms are able to feed her baby. The real problem is how formula companies advertise formula to mothers. The government should impose restrictions on how these companies advertise, promote and market formula.

Moms are being bombarded with formula advertisements from a pediatrician, to OB-GYN even baby stores. They are trying to make us think that formula can replace or is better than breast milk. This actually prevents women from actually starting breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Moms Need Support

Breastfeeding should be strongly promoted and the government should put restrictions about promoting formula. However, instead of supporting breastfeeding, the government was actually pulling out support to countries who do so because it was backing up formula companies.

The real problem is that support for breastfeeding moms are not there and the moms are not given the opportunity to try to breastfeed her baby. Mothers need help even during pregnancy and even after that when its time to go back to work by having adequate maternity leave.

It is important to educate the moms about what’s going on and what we can do about it. Keep rooting for breastfeeding. Normalizing breastfeeding. Keep doing this so we can educate the future generation about the importance of making breastfeeding the number choice for babies.


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