Is cow’s milk good or bad for babies?

Breast milk provides the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fats and antibodies to help your baby’s body and brain development. Nothing comes close, even formula milk, to the benefits our babies get from breast milk. “Is cow’s milk bad for babies?” – is the most common question I get from pregnant moms especially first time moms.

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Giving our babies breast milk from 0 to 6 months is important so they can get all the nutrients and antibodies they need to be a healthy. It is highly recommended to exclusively breastfeed during these months.

After the first six months is when we can start introducing solid foods to our baby. Although it still depends on when your baby is ready to take on solids. On the baby’s first year is the time you can contemplate on if you would like to give your baby other types of milk.

The reason for this is because formula milk has certain type of protein that is extremely difficult for the baby’s digestive system to process. So it is very important to really think about it especially if you are producing enough milk for your baby then might as well give him your breast milk.

Other moms are not going the cow’s milk direction for other reasons such as being vegetarian, ethical reasons or scientific studies that says it may lead to certain conditions on the later years in life.

It all boils down to doing what you feel is safe and good for your baby. Our mother instinct will tell us which choices to make. The most important thing is we decide on what’s best for our baby.


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