Weight Gain During Pregnancy – Recommendation & What to Expect

Weight gain during pregnancy is to be expected. The weight you gain throughout your pregnancy is vital to establish you and your baby’s health for the long term.

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How much you should expect to gain while pregnant will be based on your body mass index (BMI) before conception. Your BMI is based on your pre-pregnancy weight and height.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy Recommendations:

  • If you were underweight (BMI less than 18.5) … you should gain 28-40 pounds
  • If you were normal (BMI = 18.5 to 24.9)… you should gain 25-35 pounds
  • If you were overweight (BMI = 25 – 29.9)… you should gain 15-25 pounds
  • If you were obese (BMI equal or greater than 30)… you should gain 11-20 pounds

Why should you pay close attention to your weight gain during pregnancy?

Not gaining the recommended amount of weight for your pregnancy is linked with low-birth-weight babies. A baby that is too small can encounter breastfeeding problems, increased risk for illness, or developmental delays,

On the other hand, gaining more than recommended can lead to a baby that’s born too large. Large for gestational age (LGA) babies encounter delivery complications. These babies are also at higher risk for obesity during childhood and later in life. As for the mom, it might be more challenging to lose pregnancy weight, leading to overweight and obesity after giving birth.

How Can You Meet Your Weight Goals During Pregnancy?

Diet and exercise during pregnancy play a huge role in maintaining good weight gain throughout your pregnancy. Here are some more tips so that you can meet your weight gain goals:

  • Work with a health professional to discuss clearly your weight goals
  • Track your weight at the beginning and regularly throughout your pregnancy
  • Eat a well-balanced nutrient-dense diet
  • Limit intake of sugary, salty, and fatty foods
  • Keep active and workout at least 30 minutes 3-5 times per week with moderate